Monday, December 12, 2011

When Christians single out a group of people for persecution, what do they base their arguments on?

They don't believe that they do single out groups for persecution, but they do. They are christians, there is no basis for their arguments

Not singling out groups like gays, Muslims, atheists, Mormons, Catholics, JWs. Yeah I know the last ones are sort of christian but you still attack them|||what group???|||'My God sed ur norty %26gt;:C'|||"God's will"|||That "God" is aiding them in their struggle against infidels.|||Who exactly am I persecuting? I cant wait to hear this.|||the list is long bones|||I'm pretty sure he means Muslims, he must.|||The truth, which is self evident, except for those who are not willing to see it|||You tell us.What group are you accusing christians to be persecuting?|||Differences mostly. If you disagree with their faith in anyway they will find a way to persecute you for it.

Note, not all Christians do, but the number that do is starting to go up|||Christians don't persecute anyone. We merely preach the word of God.|||Get over it man.. Nobody is singling out any group besides you.. Why do you single out Christians?|||What group? Are you dreaming again?|||You feeling persecuted again? We are told Christians complain about persecution. Join the crowd.|||what do you mean? As a Christian I can't recall having any groups of people singled out for prosecution, unless they have comitted a criminal offence. but that's up to courts.|||You name it, it's been said. Racial cleansing, purifying God's land, flushing out blasphemers for the preservation of the earth. It's ridiculous and sad, really, because it gives us all a bad name.|||Irrational behavior is often difficult to understand.|||They have a way

with twisting and fitting a Bible scriptures

too make a ''point¨¨|||we single out anyone for persecution....we simply tell the truth....people take it wrong because it is the truth and no one can handle the truth...we are the ones being persecuted because people want us to prove faith......but how can you prove faith?|||They base it on the fact that it is not a powerful enough group to stand up to them.

Case in point: In Luke 16:18, Jesus is reported to have said that re-marriage is adultery, and of course we know adultery to be part of the Big 10. But divorce and remarriage is a big part of American Society, so you never hear any condemnation from the Christian Peanut Gallery (in fact, a Republican candidate that is remarried after a divorce is somehow more acceptable to the average fundamentalist than a black man during a presidential race). But a couple of obscure references to homosexuality (a clear minority within the American Society) within the text - neither spoken by Jesus - is enough to bring the full brunt of the Fundamentalist wrath down within an election.

I wonder what the divorce rates would be in the American Society if the same energy used to attack a minority group with lines from the Bible could be utilized to attack divorce (and remarriage, forcing people to really think hard about their commitment beforehand) with lines from Jesus?

Instead, they look for loopholes to placate the majority, and look for hatred to attack the minority.

EDIT: Oh, look! I got some thumbs down! Who'd I make angry?|||Probably the same prejudice that causes you to single out Christians as the only group that persecutes people.|||christians do not persecute people

people believe they are persecuted because they are told the life they are living is considered a sin by God.

God told his people to teach the gospel of salvation for all sinners to have sin removed.|||A good healthy dose of ignorant bigotry I think you'll find. Much like every other religion.|||1) They don't -- and anyway where are they holding these meetings I haven't been invited to :)

2) If there were arguments that justified some sort of action you wouldn't need the auxiliary singling out, would you ?

And, for the billionth time, citation, citation, citation.|||F C - your 'truth' isn't everyone else's

when christians single a group out they base it on the bible, they don't see that they persecute people when they do this

edit: Carter Boy - many lie about people yet you claim it's 'truth'??

people take bigotry, lies, persecution and being hated badly

edit2: YeeeHaaa - christians already gotten the definition changed - same-sex marriage would return it to what it should be originally

edit3: BOGGLESM makes it seem like people are wrong for seeking genuine equality|||Like they single out gays - they base their argument on their belief in that the bible says what that group is doing is wrong. But they have used their bible to back up many beliefs during history that what others are doing is wrong, and now are considered perfectly acceptable behavior in society.|||obviously you have a problem with christians, what do you base that on?|||Who knows? Any group that singles others out for persecution can rationalize it til the cows come home. More wars and perecution have gone on in the name of God than for any other reason. What happened to God is Love?|||They can do whatever they like as long as its in peace and according to their book they believe. Since they don't do any of what that book told them and what Jesus told them then I have nothing to say about them but a group of massive ignorance.

The devil helped them make those bibles, the original one is gone with all those they murdered... did you forget about who did all the killing?

Are you and them trying to tell me that they didn't take what those people they murdered had? Changed it for their own greed and misguidance for error?

ARE YOU FREEKEN SERIOUS?|||It depends on the "group"... If you are talking about the people who commit murder and want it legalized, then the fact that they commit murder is the basis for the argument. If you are talking about Gay Marriage, then the fact that people want to change the Definition of marriage is the basis for the argument. If you are talking about abortion, then the killing of a developing human is the basis. Take your pick dude.

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