Saturday, December 17, 2011

What is Hillary's support base? Any particular group(s)?

Mostly socialists and communists.|||Wacko globalists.|||The New World Order, same as President Bush's.|||Left wing loonies and corrupt chinese.|||I am not sure myself.

It does seem to be rather large.

Definitely not the Yahoo answers group.|||liberal elitists who want to blame everything on bush. or lazy people who dont want to work hard so they want working people taxed to pay for their welfare. also many woman support her without looking at issues just because they want to vote for a woman.|||The wealthiest 1% of America that sponsores her and ALL the other major candidates.|||Ala-non|||Chelsea, Bill, and so far a majority of democratic voters...|||Some demographic data showed that Hillary's base was younger and poorer wheras Obama's was older and richer.|||wackos and jackos and sheep who worship her !|||Soccer Moms. Its all for the children.........|||liberals who want the most viable democrat in the general election.|||DLC Democrats, and not the "democratic wing of the Democratic Party".|||unions, mostly working class. Some vote for her because of Bill clinton. He was a good president|||HOMOSEXUALS, LESBIANS, druggies, gamblers, prostitutes, hate-mongers, anti-Americans, anti-Semites, and other Liberals.|||The standard Democratic followers: kooks, deviants and those in love with government control. She knows them best, she is one of them.|||Radical Liberals, Socialists and the anti-American crowd.

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