Thursday, December 15, 2011

Is it right to judge a group based on only one of its members?

What do you think God did to women because of Eve?|||No. it is also the same as people bashing on Jehovah's witnesses just because one person in the organization makes a mistake and then they imagine everybody being like that person.|||No.

You may, however, say that all members of the same species (humans) are sinful and evil because of the actions of one person (or two)

Apparently, Yahweh is an exception to the rule.|||Eve was all of women.|||No it isn't but he did punish all women because of what she did.|||He didn't judge all women based on Eve. He just "cursed/punished" all of them because she ate the apple.|||I think if one or two of an organization of millions is involved in illegal or unethical behavior, then it is probably a serious overreaction to attribute the traits/actions of so few to the millions. In such a case, Eve would be guilty while no other women should be!!!

However, when there are bombs going off all over the world killing thousands of innocent people and those perpetrating such acts number in the tens of thousands and they are organized and all belong to a fanatic religious group, then I think the moderates of that same religious group bear some responsibility for those heinous actions especially if the moderates don't seem to be making any significant efforts to control and/or stop the fanatics.

Another example: Main-stream Mormons who now disavow polygamy can't ethically claim to wash their hands of the often damaging consequences of this fanatic religious belief. How many polygamists do you think there would be in Colorado City and the States of Utah and Idaho today if it hadn't been for Joseph Smith, who the Mormons say was a prophet of God and this teaching of multiple wives is divine. How much welfare money, litigation money and child abuse has this teaching cost the rest of us. Today main-stream Mormons don't practice polygamy but in no way do they claim this practice is ungodly. If fact, they still believe it is the highest Celestial marriage status that exists for men and women of their faith. This hardly discourages the fundamental groups from practicing polygamy. It would be tantamount to Muslims saying, "If it weren't against the law, we'd all be strapping of dynamite and blowing up infidels!

Muslims cut off the hand of those who steal. When is the last time you heard of a Muslim loosing a hand for setting a land mine . . . yet thousands go off??? When's the last time you heard of a fundamental Mormon polygamist family paying back the State for all its wive's and children on welfare . . . yet thousands abuse the State systems all the time. Yet neither fundamental Mormon or main-stream Mormon police these actions. So there is significant guilt in the Mormon clan and in the Muslim clan!!!

When religions start the "snow ball" rolling down the hill, they can hardly disavow the damage caused at the bottom of the hill just 'cause they aren't at the bottom of the hill.|||No you need a statistically significant sample of the population to judge the group. Since Eve was the only woman at the time that was a completely statistically significant sample.|||Who says God judged all women based on Eve?|||no

god only judged eve

women carry on with child birth it is painful

eves was more painful because of her sin|||YOU'RE DOWN 79 POINTS!

... is what I read when I logged in, lol.|||What did God do to women???

Make them able to get pregnant??

Women are not judged by God that is just absurd.

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