Sunday, December 4, 2011

Identify which group of organisms is always found at the base of the food chain....?

Identify which group of organisms is always found at the base of the food chain. What makes this group of organisms special? What would happen if some of these organisms in a specific ecosystem were to become extinct?|||We call the bottom of the food chain for producers. They're the the ones who gather energy from the sun and make it into products that contain chemical energy.

Algae and plants are in this group because they have photosynthesis, which is the process of turning energy from light and CO2 into simple carbohydrates, this is the most basic way of gaining energy, though fat (which is made in a more complex pathway) is richer in energy.

If they were to go extinct... well, the ecosystem would not last for long. The oxygen levels would lower, the second lowest species in the food chain would die from hunger, and create a chain reaction to those above and within the course of days or weeks the whole ecosystem would die.

This can't happen though since producers are all plants, grass, plankton, trees, vegetables, algae.|||its very simple to understand, , plants, trees, grasses, algae, phytoplanktons, and etc. Are come under this catogory, all these can do photosynthesis and provide food material to herbivors so are the base(bottom) of food chain. This is unique thing about plants. If one of them is near to extinct or get extinct then the complete ecosystem affect badly, deficiency of food can destroy the ecosysten.|||Plants are always at the bottom of the food chain because they can make their own food. With n plants we would have no food.

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