I'm on an Army post, and my boyfriend is in Afghanistan. I can't even begin to describe how hard this is, can someone please help me? I don't know where to begin to look|||I was actually going to help you until I read one of your past answers.
'Welcome to the club kid. It sucks, and it's gonna suck more if/when he gets deployed. Just stay busy.'|||You can contact his rear D but since you are only a girlfriend you will be limited to certain information. Find comfort with family and friends. Go to school, start a hobby, work, volunteer your time.
You can find support groups you just need to look. However you are not a spouse. Your dad should also be able to help you. Funny how you just told someone else in a situation similar that they need to get used to it. You guys should try to bond and talk.|||Ask you husband to either give your information to his unit's FRG, or for him to get the FRG's unit to you. Since you're not married, you can't just go to his rear detachment and ask for that kind of info.|||nothing you can do, just sit there and be depressed|||Um, since you are a girlfriend then no. Spouses are legally married so they can get the benfits and help with army life. He can't get post/off post housing b/c you two aren't married. Don't get getting married just b/c you two are apart. Get married for your own reasons. Military moves around somewhat often so if you're planning to stick somewhere it might not happen.
As a veteran Army soldier, I can tell you Army life is unique. It was the best decision I ever made.
For now, keep on with your life while he is gone. If he calls at odd hours; which he will b/c of the time difference, screw the sleep for as long as he can be on the phone. Don't focus on how bad your feeling that he is gone and where he is. There's nothing you can do to prevent him from leaving.
He's a U.S. soldier. That alone should make you happy and proud to have him in your life as well.
There's tons more I could tell you. Don't fall prey to the loneliness and do something rash.
When you two talk or you write, sure tell him you do miss him but don't drone on and on about it. Not only will it make you both sad, but he'll think you can't handle it. It IS difficult, but thousands of soldiers are gone and many spouses, including g/f's and b/f's manage.
Take up a hobby, fill your free time, exercise and get into a new sexy outfit for him. Write a diary for him while he's gone. As you write, talk to him as if he's there with you. Again, say that you miss him and all but not too much. Get something for his birthday, Christmas and save it up for when he get's home. Ask him what he wants for his first meal at home. Get with his mother or whoever and learn to make it. Spend time with his family even though he's gone. Be faithful and if he has given you access to his money, do not go on depression binges and spend money on junk. Spend time with your friends. Send him a care package every now and again. Pictures are always welcome, but not rolls and rolls of them. If I knew more I could help more. :(
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