Monday, December 12, 2011

Would any one help me run a yahoo group it is a christian based group and is non-denomonational?

I need help to get things going with my yahoo group such as photos and events I would like to have someone that knows what they are doing and would like to share daily devotionals with group. The name of the group is up_and_readyforachange. Thanks and I dont even pay attention to the negative answers so post if you would like but your not really making any kind of impact like you think you can.|||yeah, you're not making any impact, either.

Do something REAL.... help out some indigent people. Volunteer to drive some old folks to their doctor appointments. Call trout unlimited and see if you can help out when they move fish.

Don't waste time, energy and resources on nonsense that helps no one.|||I would like too but time :(

I am Catholic You?|||I would like to, but I am getting ready to move from the West Coast to the East Coast in a couple of weeks and the move will be taking up all of my spare time for a while. Maybe in a couple of months or so.|||I do not mean to be negative, but I believe that there are quite literally THOUSANDS of such Yahoo! Groups already. Surely one of them can serve your needs already. Yes?

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