Sunday, December 4, 2011

I want to start my own political action group based on the constitution, any suggestions?

My dream group would be action based, non-racist, and non-pc. It would be based on the constitution and would put pressure on the government to abandon Socialism (the philosophy of the stupid) and re-embrace a free enterprise system using the Constitution as a yard stick instead of what's "politically viable"|||join the libertarian party and start using meet-up websites to organize in your area. IMPORTANT. Above all else do not listen to anyone who says that republicans are liberty oriented. They only side with the constitution when it benefits them. google Ron Paul, that should get you started.|||Sounds like what the republican party is minus corruption. Unfortunently the government is so loaded down by corruption and bribeing that its impossible to get past local government without giving in to it. There are so many political parties you should make sure that yours doesn't already match up with one.|||study constitution first and don't say you don't like this and like this coz constitution is not only your views or waht you like is should be like of people also coz constitution is the demand of all the people and country not only your either it s socialism or democracy.|||good luck with that, but the gov't is too corrupt to allow this to succeed. however, i will be your first member! :)

cheers!|||get billions of dollars and spend it on media to brainwash the next generation of kids.

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